Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday, 5/09/09.

okay, so today has been an absolute wreck, and i'm bored at home for the rest of the night. first, i was supposed to go yard sale shopping in venice beach with my two bestfriends: lauren and gabriella, because my mom just happened to be driving into los angeles today. but, my mother decided that she didn't want to stay in l.a. that long after her hair was done to wait for me to finish shopping. so, i was pretty pissed off about that. but, "luckily" i had my backup plan of going to my friend torrey's dinnerparty at victoria gardens and then to the movies afterwards. i thought fershure (since she ruined my original plans) she would let me go. but NO, that lady had the nerve to say that she was tired. oh well, this is what i will be doing for the rest of the night: absolutely nothing.

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